Service Opportunity: NC EAP Conference
Marriott Hotel 425 North Cherry Street, Winston SalemHelp staff an AA table at the NC Employee Assistance Program Conference. Provide info to attendees about AA. When: March 19-21 (15–60-minute blocks of time available, during the daytime) Where: …
Northwest Piedmont Intergroup Meeting (Hybrid)
Intergroup Office 208 Northgate Park Drive, Winston SalemMonthly Northwest Piedmont Intergroup Meeting (Hybrid) Intergroup Office or Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 940 6167 1229 Passcode: 993435
NWP Intergroup Monthly Meeting
Intergroup Office 208 Northgate Park Drive, Winston SalemRegular monthly meetings of the Northwest Piedmont Intergroup. Online (Zoom) and in-person. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 945 6579 0445 Passcode: 993435
To have an event added to Northwest Piedmont Intergroup AA Events, contact