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Past Events from June 19 – August 21 – Northwest Piedmont Intergroup

Northwest Piedmont Intergroup

Alcoholics Anonymous in Winston-Salem, Clemmons, Kernersville, King, Tobaccoville, and Stokes and Surry Counties of North Carolina

Northwest Piedmont Intergroup Meeting (Hybrid)

Intergroup Office 208 Northgate Park Drive, Winston Salem, NC, United States

Monthly Northwest Piedmont Intergroup Meeting (Hybrid) Intergroup Office or Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/94061671229?pwd=YkFWUDI2aU9MT25FKzk5U0dpY0todz09 Meeting ID: 940 6167 1229 Passcode: 993435

NWP Intergroup Monthly Meeting

Intergroup Office 208 Northgate Park Drive, Winston Salem, NC, United States
Hybrid Hybrid Event

Regular monthly meetings of the Northwest Piedmont Intergroup. Online (Zoom) and in-person. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/94565790445?pwd=ktuTJp8xjtpEqSnOmiIfOvMJD2RRNh.1 Meeting ID: 945 6579 0445 Passcode: 993435


Northwest Piedmont Intergroup Meeting (Hybrid)

Intergroup Office 208 Northgate Park Drive, Winston Salem, NC, United States

Monthly Northwest Piedmont Intergroup Meeting (Hybrid) Intergroup Office or Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/94061671229?pwd=YkFWUDI2aU9MT25FKzk5U0dpY0todz09 Meeting ID: 940 6167 1229 Passcode: 993435

NWP Intergroup Monthly Meeting

Intergroup Office 208 Northgate Park Drive, Winston Salem, NC, United States
Hybrid Hybrid Event

Regular monthly meetings of the Northwest Piedmont Intergroup. Online (Zoom) and in-person. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/94565790445?pwd=ktuTJp8xjtpEqSnOmiIfOvMJD2RRNh.1 Meeting ID: 945 6579 0445 Passcode: 993435


Northwest Piedmont Intergroup Meeting (Hybrid)

Intergroup Office 208 Northgate Park Drive, Winston Salem, NC, United States

Monthly Northwest Piedmont Intergroup Meeting (Hybrid) Intergroup Office or Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/94061671229?pwd=YkFWUDI2aU9MT25FKzk5U0dpY0todz09 Meeting ID: 940 6167 1229 Passcode: 993435

Event Series NWP Intergroup Monthly Meeting

NWP Intergroup Monthly Meeting

Intergroup Office 208 Northgate Park Drive, Winston Salem, NC, United States
Hybrid Hybrid Event

Regular monthly meetings of the Northwest Piedmont Intergroup. Online (Zoom) and in-person. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/94565790445?pwd=ktuTJp8xjtpEqSnOmiIfOvMJD2RRNh.1 Meeting ID: 945 6579 0445 Passcode: 993435



To have an event added to Northwest Piedmont Intergroup AA Events, contact webservant@nwpi.net